All who refuse to conform are disfellowshipped.
I know, but I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any local customs or practices are picked up anywhere in the world. Like, maybe, the African countryside or somewhere.
everything i read on this website and elsewhere indicates that the witness are extremely united in doctrine and practices worldwide.
when i'm reading comments here, i have no idea whether the person is posting from the us or some other part of the world (unless they say so).
everyone's experience seems to be the same wherever they live.
All who refuse to conform are disfellowshipped.
I know, but I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any local customs or practices are picked up anywhere in the world. Like, maybe, the African countryside or somewhere.
everything i read on this website and elsewhere indicates that the witness are extremely united in doctrine and practices worldwide.
when i'm reading comments here, i have no idea whether the person is posting from the us or some other part of the world (unless they say so).
everyone's experience seems to be the same wherever they live.
Everything I read on this website and elsewhere indicates that the Witness are extremely united in doctrine and practices worldwide. When I'm reading comments here, I have no idea whether the person is posting from the US or some other part of the world (unless they say so). Everyone's experience seems to be the same wherever they live. Has anyone who's traveled to different parts of the world seen any differences? Even subtle ones?
in his 1898 novel, war of the worlds, h.g.
wells depicted the earth under attack by a race that had evolved past the need of eating to obtain nourishment.
these beings, in fact, had no digestive organs of any sort:.
TD, I don't see your point. All those scriptures in your post just say 'don't eat blood'. They don't say not to eat blood only if you view it as food but if you view it as medicine it's okay. Am I missing something?
does anyone know if the society has specific policies on the handling of members with mental health problems?.
my grandfather, a brother in good standing since moses developed paranoid schizophrenia in his later years.
he got to the stage where he would knock people over in the street, place his hand on thier head and cast out evil spirits in the name of jehovah.. he was disfellowshiped and not long after he passed away.. this was related to me by a friend years later as i was unaware due to the shunning, i didn't even know he died.
I think it's dangerous to tell a depressed person that they should or shouldn't take medication... especially if you're not a doctor. Are you positive that some forms of depression can't be caused by chemical imbalances?
i've mentioned before---i'm all "religioned" out!.
i don't have a certain set of beliefs yet i still hope there is a god and contrary to what some have assumed, i'm not an agnostic or athiest (yet)..
It's very important to me. I don't know what the truth is but I'm looking for it. Something must be the truth. Right now I feel like I'm lost at sea without a compass. I'd love to know where I'm going.
i was born into "the truth" back in 1964. i made the big mistake of getting baptised when i was about 14 or so, purely to please my father as i saw how proud he was when my brothers were baptised....didn't work.. we moved to a new congregation when i was about 8, he introduced all my brothers to the congregation by name, a short bio of thier endearing qualities and how proud he was of them, when he introduced me it was "and this is our black sheep of the family, steve".. i remember living in fear at the fast approaching 1975....actually, living in terror is probably a more apt desciption.
all of you will full well know how it was instilled into us at every meeting and assembly how we are living in the last days.. as a 15 year old, a brother dobbed me in for kissing a worldly girl at school.
went through the marked process, judicial committy, disfellowshipped and the shunning which continues to this day by what's left of my family.
I'm still anxious that armageddon might be on my doorstep but I don't want to serve God out of fear. However, then I think, if the last days are really to be like the days of Noah, I'm supposed to be afraid. I always have a knot in my stomach about it.
thanks for reading this if you care.
i really don't have a particular reason to write this other then the mood hit.
it is likely to be rambling, and if it somehow makes some sense, i would consider that a bonus.. my life has distinct seasons.
Thanks again for sharing Jeff. I always enjoy reading your posts too. I looked up Yaounde Cameroon on Google images. I try to imagine you there.
i can certainly say that i did and that i knew alot of others that did too.
i can also say that i don't any more, i left my panic attacks in the km!.
what about you?.
Same here... only I would describe my experience as a "panic attack in slow motion".
I'll wake up in the middle of the night... usually around 2:00 or 3:00 AM and will just lay there, unable to sleep, with incredible fear for several hours.
Elsewhere, that is what I experience too. I keep a bottle of sleeping pills and a glass of water by my bed because of this. When I wake up in the middle of the night terrified and drenched in 'cold sweat', I change my t-shirt, move to a dry part of the bed, take another pill, and go back to sleep.
Even during the day, I carry a sense of 'impending doom' and terror with me always. Work distracts from it. At night, though, is when it really all comes out. I know it sounds stupid, but, sometimes I have friends or even my dad sleep over because I'm 'scared'. I'm sort of in a constant state of panic. I think, for me, it's because I'm not sure about whether or not I'm making a mistake regarding the Witnesses.
I love you Mouthy.